Frontal Lobe Brain Injuries

Has a loved one recently suffered a frontal lobe injury due to the negligence or actions of another person or company?

By hiring a Dallas brain injury lawyer, you may be able to recover money damages for medical bills, future treatment, and lost wages. Call Rasansky Law Firm today at (214) 617-1886 for your free and confidential consultation.

Dallas Frontal Lobe Brain Injury Attorney
Brain Injuries to the Frontal Lobe

The brain is divided into distinct sections, with the frontal lobes being two of the most important areas. These are large structures located at the front of the brain, located just behind and above the eyes.

The frontal lobe is responsible for executive functions such as abstract thinking, problem solving, behavioral inhibition and language processing. Damage to this area of the brain can bring on a variety of impulse control problems as well as cognitive impairment.

The frontal lobe is a sensitive part of the brain, and is also responsible for your personality. When you sustain a brain injury which affects your frontal lobe, it’s possible to lose your sense of self and large chunks of your temperament and personality.

Here are some of the signs and symptoms associated with frontal lobe damage:

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  • Personality changes
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of facial expression
  • Inappropriate sexual behavior
  • Heightened risk taking

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  • Poor self control
  • Motor control issues
  • Poor memory
  • Increased aggression
  • Reduced attention

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  • Disorganization
  • Little to no spontaneity
  • Poor focus
  • Poor sense of spatial awareness
  • Loss of limb movement

What to expect following a frontal lobe brain injury.

Diagnosis and treatment for frontal lobe damage is complicated. You or your loved one may need to see a team of specialists who will assess the damage before coming up with a medical treatment plan. Due to the severity of these injuries, you may not regain full control of some of your faculties, or it may take you a long time to get back to normal. Surgery may be needed if there are bone fragments, fractures, or excessive swelling, and a surgeon may also put in a stent to deal with any subsequent swelling or bleeding that may occur as a result of these injuries.

After surgery, you may need a speech therapist and extensive physical therapy to help you regain your language and motor skills. During treatment, expect to have a range of MRI scans, CT scans and x-rays ordered by doctors, and a range of other tests to check on inflammation markers. In addition, you may need additional surgery in the future, and you may be required to go through years of rehabilitation—all of which can cost a pretty penny.

If your loved one’s brain injury was caused by the actions of another person or the negligence of an employer, why should the financial burden of these damages fall onto the victim and their family? As a personal injury lawyer, it’s my job to help victims recover the compensation they’re owed from those responsible for their injuries. It’s all we do, and we have a great track record of success over the past 20+ years.

Trust in the experience of Rasansky Law Firm.

If a family member or loved one has suffered a frontal lobe injury, we may be able to file suit on their behalf in order to recover financial compensation to cover the costs of medical bills, future treatment, lost wages, and can even seek compensation for things such as pain and suffering, a diminished earning capacity, and more. Please call us today at (214) 617-1886 to discuss the facts of your situation free of charge, and we’ll advise you of your legal options moving forward.

Speak With a Dallas Brain Injury Lawyer For Free

The attorneys at Rasansky Law Firm are happy to speak to you about your potential case free of charge. If we can help with your claim, we’ll do so for no out-of-pocket cost to you. Call us 24/7 at (214) 617-1886.

Request a free consultation below



2525 McKinnon Street #550 Dallas, Texas 75201

Note: The information that was utilized in this post was gathered from the use of secondary sources. This information used has not been confirmed or independently verified. If you locate any information that is not correct, please contact our firm as soon as possible so that we can make the appropriate corrections. If you find any information that is false, we will remove or correct the post immediately after it is brought to our attention.

Disclaimer: As a valued member of the Dallas community, Rasansky Law Firm’s goal is to improve the safety of all residents in the great state of Texas. These posts should not be viewed as a solicitation for business and the information included herein should not be taken as medical or legal advice. The photos used in this post are not representative of the actual crash scene.

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