$2.05 Million Birth Injury Recovery

Total Recovery:

Birth Injury / Newborn Brain Damage

As a result of the nurses’ failure to obtain an expectant mother’s (known) GBS status, as well as their failure to notify a physician of very ominous fetal heart tracing patterns, and their failure to discontinue pitocin, a bacterial infection passed from the mother to the child during childbirth, and ultimately seeded in the newborn’s brain where it multiplied unchecked.

Additionally, the child suffered a degree of asphyxia as her brain was not receiving adequate oxygenation. Rasansky Law Firm ultimately negotiated a settlement of over $2 million.

Total Award:  $2,050,000
Attorney Fees: $804,347.44
Case Expenses: $104,222.12

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2525 McKinnon Street #550 Dallas, Texas 75201


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