Meconium aspiration syndrome occurs when a newborn inhales viscous meconium immediately before or during birth. This can lead to breathing troubles and other forms of respiratory distress. With early detection and prompt treatment, […]
Healthcare professionals have carefully constructed timelines for what is regarded as the normal progression of labor. If important progress markers, such as effacement and cervical dilation are stalled or delayed, then the birthing team needs to evaluate whether arrested or prolonged labor is occurring. If it is, doctors and nurses can intervene in a number of different ways to help with a vaginal birth. However, letting labor continue for an extended period of time comes with serious health risks for both the baby and the mother. These risks include permanent injury, oxygen deprivation, and trauma to the baby, as well as infection and hemorrhaging in the mother. For this reason, if initial intervention efforts are unsuccessful, the birthing team must be ready to deliver the baby by emergency C-section in order to avoid any birth injuries caused by prolonged labor.
Normal labor consists of uterine contractions that result in progressive effacement and dilation, or thinning and stretching, of the mother’s cervix. Labor advances gradually through the latent phase and, once the dilating cervix reaches a width of over four centimeters, the more active, rapid stage of labor starts. During this phase, the mother’s cervix will dilate progressively at a rate of 1.2 centimeters per hour or more during her first pregnancy, or a rate of 1.5 centimeters per hour for subsequent pregnancies. If labor does not progress at this speed, the mother may be in prolonged or arrested labor.
The prolongation of labor is usually caused by conditions that result in inadequate contractions or mechanical impediments. The most common complications that can cause prolonged labor are:
If labor proceeds too slowly or stops altogether, dangers can arise for both the baby and the mother. In these cases, it is essential that healthcare professionals take immediate action in order to prevent serious long-term injuries. The dangers most often associated with mismanaging prolonged labor include:
Fetal risks associated with prolonged labor include:
Prolonged labor also poses several risks to the mother, such as:
Fortunately, there are several methods that can be used to successfully manage prolonged labor and prevent birth injuries
If the mother has a prolonged active stage of labor, doctors will sometimes give them Pitocin. Pitocin is a synthetic hormone that, when properly administered, can strengthen uterine contractions and induce labor, thereby allowing the labor process to progress at a normal rate. However, if administered incorrectly or in large doses, it can lead to excessive uterine contractions, endangering the infant’s oxygen supply and putting both the baby and the mother at risk.
Amniotomy, or the forced rupture of the membranes, is a medical procedure whereby the doctor ruptures the mother’s membranes with a special tool to help speed up labor. Used in conjunction with Pitocin, amniotomy could help to augment or induce labor. Keep in mind, however, that there numerous are risks linked to both amniotomy and the use of Pitocin.
Vacuum extractors and forceps are both tools used to aid in vaginal births. When used appropriately, they can quicken the delivery of the infant. Incorrect use, however, can lead to traumatic birth injuries, which could be permanent. Injuries linked to the improper use of these tools include:
Due to these risks, vacuum extractors and forceps are not generally tools that are recommended for the management of prolonged labor.
In the event that a vaginal delivery will put the mother or baby at risk, a C-section can be performed. Conditions that indicate the baby should be delivered right away include umbilical cord prolapse, uterine rupture, and fetal distress. If labor arrests in the first stage, or if augmentation with Pitocin is unsuccessful, a C-section must be performed.
If your child sustained a birth injury, you need to consult with a healthcare professional right away. They can diagnose your child’s injury and accurately determine the cause. If your case of prolonged labor was mismanaged, you and a Dallas birth injury attorney from Rasansky Law Firm can pursue financial recovery via a medical malpractice lawsuit. We offer a free initial consultation to all prospective clients and can advise you on the best way to move forward with your prolonged labor birth injury case. Call us at (214) 651-6100 to schedule your free consultation.
Note: The information that was utilized in this post was gathered from the use of secondary sources. This information used has not been confirmed or independently verified. If you locate any information that is not correct, please contact our firm as soon as possible so that we can make the appropriate corrections. If you find any information that is false, we will remove or correct the post immediately after it is brought to our attention.
Disclaimer: As a valued member of the Dallas community, Rasansky Law Firm’s goal is to improve the safety of all residents in the great state of Texas. These posts should not be viewed as a solicitation for business and the information included herein should not be taken as medical or legal advice. The photos used in this post are not representative of the actual crash scene.
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