Common Mistakes in the Delivery Room: How C-section Errors and Mismanagement of Labor Can Lead to Injuries

A Cesarean section, more commonly referred to as a C-section, is a surgical procedure that is used when a vaginal birth has become dangerous or failed. Most C-sections are planned ahead of time but they can also be performed in emergency situations once labor has begun. Errors made by physicians or other medical staff after, during, or before the surgery can result in serious and even permanent injuries to both the mother and her baby. 

What Is a C-Section?

A Cesarean section is a specific type of surgical procedure used to deliver a newborn via an incision in the mother’s uterus and abdomen. C-sections only require local anesthesia, so mothers are able to be awake during the process but will not be able to feel anything.

Initially conceived as an emergency operation designed to save a fetus if the mother died, C-sections now comprise about 32% of all live births every year in the United States. 

Although C-sections might seem like routine procedures, they are still major surgeries, and like all other surgeries, they are fraught with potential complications. C-sections double the risk of morbidity and mortality for the mother, partly from complications brought on by the procedure itself and partly because the health conditions that make a C-section necessary could themselves be fatal.

What Makes a C-Section Necessary?

There are multiple reasons a mother might have to undergo a C-section. In many cases, her doctor will already be aware that she may require one due to complications with her pregnancy or her medical history. Most first-time C-sections are, however, the result of unexpected complications that arise during labor.

Some common emergency situations that may require C-sections include:

  • Fetal distress
  • Breech birth
  • Labor is progressing too slowly or not progressing at all
  • Maternal health issues such as an active herpes infection, and certain brain and heart conditions 
  • Multiple gestations
  • Birth canal obstructions
  • Previous C-section
  • Issues with the placenta
  • Prolapsed umbilical cord

Some mothers opt to schedule a C-section even when one is not medically necessary although most doctors advise against doing so. The odds of a birth injury to the baby and mother typically outweigh any perceived convenience.

What Birth Injuries Can Be Caused by C-sections?

In some cases, delivering an infant through a C-section is critical to preventing loss of life. Even so, it is not without risks. Complications arising from surgical errors can impact both mother and child.

Maternal Birth Injuries

A C-section birth leaves the mother vulnerable to a wide array of possible complications. Errors made during the C-section, and any delay in performing the procedure once it becomes obvious that it is needed, can have life-altering consequences.

Maternal C-section injuries can include:

  • Blood clots
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Infection of the uterine lining (endometritis)
  • Infection at the surgical site
  • Surgical injuries
  • Postpartum hemorrhage

Mothers who have already given birth via C-section once are more likely to require a C-section for any future births. A study conducted in 2018 showed that fewer than 10% of pregnant women who have had C-sections go on to have successful vaginal births. Those who do attempt it are at a heightened risk of serious complications such as uterine rupture.

Fetal Birth Injuries

An improperly performed C-section also poses a considerable threat to the baby. Consequences range from minor injuries that are easily treated after birth, to permanent health conditions that will impact the rest of the child’s life. 

C-section injuries to the baby can include: 

Scientific data from 2019 also connects C-sections to a higher likelihood of ADHD and autism. Please bear in mind that additional study is needed, as this research is still new and any potential causal link is not well understood.

How Do C-Section Injuries Happen?

C-section injuries can take place in a variety of ways. Split-second decisions made by medical professionals after, during, and even before labor can have lasting physical and economic repercussions for families.

The leading causes of C-section injuries in the United States are:

  • Delayed C-sections: Postponing a C-section can result in fetal brain damage and a greater risk of ruptured membranes in the mother.
  • Surgical errors: During the procedure, mother and baby are both at risk of injuries such as lacerations. Bowel and bladder perforations in the mother could require additional surgery to repair. These types of injuries occur in around 12% of all C-section patients.
  • Inadequate aftercare: Infections in the uterine lining and at the surgical site are commonplace complications after a C-section. About 22% of all C-section patients develop surgical site infections.  

Mothers who require a C-section once labor has begun are at additional risk of infection since the torn membranes common in difficult births represent an added risk. 

Can C-Section Injuries Be Prevented?

Yes, the majority of C-section injuries can be prevented. Before they even enter the delivery room, pregnant mothers should have been counseled on the possibility of a C-section delivery and everything it entails. By ensuring their patients are well-informed, doctors can ease any confusion and emotional duress should an emergency C-section become necessary.

Appropriate staff training is also crucial to avoiding delays and preventing surgical birth injuries. Being able to promptly identify when a C-section is required can lower the risk of injuries to both the baby and the mother and prevent catastrophe.

When an emergency does occur, the medical team has a duty to handle the situation effectively and safely. Every patient has the right to proper medical care regardless of the circumstances. When medical professionals fail to provide proper care, they violate their duty of care to their patients and it could be viewed as medical negligence.

Medical Negligence and C-Section Injuries 

In the United States, about 34% of all live births are C-sections. Despite this, some hospitals and doctors are chronically unprepared to handle them. Injuries experienced during the birthing process can have devastating physical, financial, and emotional consequences for families.

If you or your baby have endured medical complications after a C-section, consult with a Dallas birth injury lawyer from Rasansky Law Firm as soon as possible. We offer a free initial consultation and can advise you on how to best proceed with your birth injury case.  



2525 McKinnon Street #550 Dallas, Texas 75201

Note: The information that was utilized in this post was gathered from the use of secondary sources. This information used has not been confirmed or independently verified. If you locate any information that is not correct, please contact our firm as soon as possible so that we can make the appropriate corrections. If you find any information that is false, we will remove or correct the post immediately after it is brought to our attention.

Disclaimer: As a valued member of the Dallas community, Rasansky Law Firm’s goal is to improve the safety of all residents in the great state of Texas. These posts should not be viewed as a solicitation for business and the information included herein should not be taken as medical or legal advice. The photos used in this post are not representative of the actual crash scene.

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