Dallas Premises Liability Lawyer

Have you been injured on someone else’s property due to their negligence? Our Dallas injury lawyers may be able to help.

You may have a premises liability claim if you get hurt on property owned by a business, individual, or government agency. The property owner is responsible for keeping their property safe for their visitors. If they fail to do that and you get injured as a result of their negligence, they can be held legally accountable. You could then receive compensation for medical bills, pain caused by injury, and lost wages due to an inability to work.

Businesses and property owners in Texas have a responsibility to provide a secure environment for their customers. Failure to rectify hazardous situations while still inviting people onto the property is a recipe for disaster should anyone get hurt. “Premises liability” is a legal term describing this scenario, and it gives legal recourse to those injured through no fault of their own.

When it comes to questions of responsibility and culpability, premises liability can become extremely complicated. As a result, it's crucial to consult a reputable premises liability attorney in Dallas to assess the merits of your case and make sure you stand the best chance of winning.

Although the laws governing premises liability vary from state to state, the burden of proof that the plaintiff must meet in order to hold the property owner accountable for their damages remains the same across the board. Here's the basic idea:

  • You must demonstrate that the state of the property constituted a reasonable danger of harm.
  • Additionally, you must demonstrate that the property owner or landlord knew about or should have known about the risk created by the offense.
  • Finally, you will need to demonstrate that the property owner's negligence actually led to your injuries (negligence can be as simple as a failure to act).

If you're not sure what any of this means, don't worry. During your initial free consultation, your lawyer will listen to the details of your case and explain how it applies in your specific situation.

Types of Visitors

Under Texas law, there are three types of individuals who may sue for compensation when they get hurt on someone else’s property: invitees, licensees, and trespassers.

You are regarded as an invitee if you are a customer. A person who enters a property with the owner's express or implicit consent or invitation and whose visit is advantageous to both parties is known as an invitee. The owner has the highest duty of care to an invitee, according to the law. They must, therefore, take reasonable care to ensure that any hazards are promptly addressed, all operations are completed in a safe way, and that they routinely conduct inspections to address any obvious property issues.

An individual who visits the property with the owner's or landlord's express permission but without any specific motives is referred to as a licensee. An example of a licensee would be a social visitor to your home, like a friend, neighbor or acquaintance. The legislation mandates that the property owner provide a licensee with a reasonable heads-up about any potential hazards on the property.

A person who enters a piece of property without the owner's express or implied permission is said to be trespassing. Typically, property owners are not required to alert unnoticed trespassers to any hazards on their property (except for those that involve an extreme degree of risk). To "booby trap" property with the intention of hurting possible trespassers, however, is unlawful.

Also, if the injured party is a child, special rules may apply, namely the Attractive Nuisance Doctrine. This doctrine basically states that if a child is injured on someone else’s property after being attracted to that property by something that can be reasonably assumed to attract children, that property owner may be liable for the injuries sustained.

Premises liability accidents happen every day in Texas. Here are some of the most common ways they occur:

  • Slip and fall accidents are accidental falls caused by liquid spills or other trip hazards (when the facility should have reasonably known about the issue and cleaned it up or warned people).
  • Shock injuries or electrocutions brought on by unattended bare cables and wires.
  • Drowning in a swimming pool caused by the absence of certain safety items such as a child-proof fence.
  • Getting hit or struck by falling objects on a construction site.
  • Criminal activity due to inadequate security or lack of preventative measures.
  • Being trapped in a burning building and not being able to access exit points or firefighting equipment.
  • Being attacked by an owner's dog.
  • Exposure to toxins on a property, such as noxious fumes or irritants.

Duties of Property Owners to Maintain Safe Property or Premises

Property owners have a legal responsibility to provide visitors with safe surroundings. The visitors include anyone on their property for personal or business reasons, like workers and contractors. Under premises liability law, those who fail in this duty may face repercussions if someone suffers an injury due to the owner's negligence.

Property holders can uphold their obligation in the following ways:

  • Keeping walkways clear of debris;
  • Maintaining the proper functioning of handrails and guardrails;
  • Providing adequate lighting throughout the area;
  • Repairing any damaged floors or stairs promptly;
  • Providing appropriate signage alerting tenants of hazardous spaces;
  • Keeping their fire protection equipment up-to-date with regular inspections;
  • Inspecting electrical systems to ensure proper functioning and installation;
  • Monitoring outdoor environments on a routine basis for potential risks or hazards;
  • Implementing effective security measures such as surveillance cameras and alarms;
  • Eliminating potential fire hazards, such as overloaded electrical outlets or improperly stored flammable materials.

To put it simply, property owners have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their premises. This legal duty requires regular inspections for potential hazards or risks and promptly addressing any issues identified, such as cleaning up spills that could lead to slip-and-fall accidents. Failure to do so can result in legal accountability if a premises liability accident occurs due to negligence in upkeep.

Premises liability is a concept property owners must thoroughly understand. A property owner's failure to maintain safety standards can lead to costly payouts for the injured party's medical bills, emotional distress damages, and lost wages.

Contact an Aggressive Dallas Premises Liability Lawyer

Property holders are legally obligated to provide their visitors with a safe environment. By regularly inspecting and maintaining the property and addressing any hazards or safety issues that may arise, owners can help reduce the risk of injury and protect themselves from potential premises liability.

If you have suffered an injury on someone else's property, seek assistance from a Dallas premise liability attorney to determine your rights and options for pursuing compensation.

The Hidden Dangers of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can have serious, long-term consequences. The National Floor Safety Institute reports that over one million people go to the emergency room each year due to slips and falls. A few of the most common injuries sustained in an accidental fall include the following:

Fractured Bones: Fractured bones are the most frequent injuries victims sustain in these types of falls. The wrists, arms, ankles, and hips are susceptible to breakage. Treatment for fractures may include casts or braces to help regain mobility and lengthy physical therapy sessions. Take slip-and-fall incidents seriously because they can have potentially life-altering outcomes.

Sprains and Strains: Sprains and strains occur when we overstretch a joint. These painful traumas can hamper mobility, making it difficult to complete everyday tasks. You may rehabilitate the injured area using crutches or braces for extra support through recovery.

Back and Neck Injuries: Slip and fall accidents can have dire consequences beyond cuts, scrapes, and bruises. They typically cause back and neck injuries that may involve chronic pain and reduced movement or paralysis in extreme cases. Restoring full function after such an injury requires extensive physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Traumatic Brain Injury: A premises liability accident resulting in a traumatic brain injury has destructive aftereffects. Symptoms vary based on the severity of the injury. Common symptoms experienced include headaches, dizziness, memory loss, and difficulty speaking. These side effects can have a devastating impact on one's quality of life. If you believe you're affected by a traumatic brain injury (TBI), seek professional medical attention sooner rather than later.

Slip-and-fall injuries can be a major setback both physically and financially. In addition to the pain, reduced mobility, or disability one may experience due to these incidents, medical expenses can add up fast. These injuries can make working a job difficult and cause long-term financial hardship. Losses associated with lost wages and rehabilitation costs make a slip-and-fall accident an expensive, life-changing event.

Protect Yourself From Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can devastate your life, from physical injuries like fractures and sprains to more serious traumatic brain Injuries. If you find yourself in this situation, seeking medical attention is the first step toward recovery. Additionally, consulting a skilled personal injury lawyer ensures that you protect your rights while navigating the legal process. With a legal professional advocating for you, you can focus on restoring your health and peace of mind.


What To Do Immediately After a Slip and Fall Accident in Dallas, Texas

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere and at any unexpected time. If you fall while at a business or on someone else’s property and feel that the reason you fell was due to the negligence of the property owner, you should take the necessary steps below to protect your legal rights and seek justice for damages. You may not realize how long you will be dealing with symptoms from your injuries, so it is in your best interest to speak to an attorney, even if you think your injury is not that bad. If you find yourself in this situation, take the following steps directly after your accident:

Seek Medical Attention

Even if your accident doesn't cause severe injuries, seek medical attention. Sometimes, the effects of a slip and fall can take time before they are noticeable because adrenaline can often mask the pain in the hours following your accident. Seeing a doctor right away is critical to documenting any potential harm and ensuring you receive proper care and begin healing as soon as possible.

Take Photos of the Scene

Taking photos of the scene and any potential hazards will help when filing for damages related to a premises liability accident. Be sure to snap photos of the entire scene, including any dangers that may have led to your fall, and take some pictures showing your injuries. Quality pictures serve as evidence when settling a legal dispute.

Get Contact Information from Witnesses

Obtaining witness contact information after a premises accident helps verify facts surrounding your story. Be sure to get their contact information, such as name and phone number, so you can use them as witnesses if needed. Witness testimonies can resolve any discrepancies should they arise later.

Notify the Property Owner

It is critical to notify the property owner or an individual in charge as soon as the hazardous accident occurs to minimize further risk for injury. Doing so will enable them to take action toward repairs or clean-ups to prevent others from being injured.

Contact a Dallas Premises Liability Lawyer

After the initial shock of your premises liability accident, it's time to seek professional legal advice. A seasoned personal injury attorney can assist with getting you full compensation for any injuries incurred. Don't just settle! Find an advocate specializing in premises liability cases and let them guide you through this challenging process. A knowledgeable premises liability lawyer can also help you secure fair compensation for your injuries. There is a statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Texas, so contact an attorney as early as you can after the incident.

Legal action is necessary to get fair financial compensation for an injury sustained on someone else's property in the Dallas area. The Rasansky Law Firm specializes in premises accident injuries and recognizes that they can seriously affect people's lives. Our Dallas premises liability lawyers provide compassionate support throughout this difficult time and valuable assistance when it counts most.

What Are Premises Liability Laws in Texas?

Premises liability in Texas is a legal concept that holds property owners responsible for the safety of people legally on their property. These individuals include visitors, tenants, workers, or guests who have the approval to be on the property. The owners must ensure the property is safe from hazards and take reasonable steps to prevent foreseeable injuries. If a hazard on someone else's property causes harm to an individual, the injured party may file a premises liability lawsuit to receive compensation for their losses.

What Are Premises Liability Claims?

A premises liability claim is a legal claim brought against a property owner when someone gets injured on their property due to a hazardous condition. Premises liability law in Texas holds property owners and occupiers responsible for injuries caused by dangerous conditions on their property. For example, if a person goes to a retail store and falls from tripping on loose carpeting or uneven flooring, they may be able to file a premises liability claim against the store owner.

How Do Premises Liability Lawsuits Work?

To file a premises liability claim, the injured party must prove that the property owner or occupier had knowledge of the hazardous condition and failed to address it adequately, thus knowingly creating a dangerous situation. The injured party must also be able to prove that the unsafe environment was a direct cause of the injury. If successful, the injured party can receive compensation for any medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages related to the injury.

How to Prove a Premises Liability Claim in Texas

If someone has suffered an injury caused by an unsafe condition on a property, they may be able to pursue a premises liability lawsuit. To seek compensation for their injuries, they must prove that the property holder was negligent in maintaining the property.

In Texas, the plaintiff must prove that the property holders had a duty of care to the injured victim, that the property owner breached that duty of care, and that the breach of duty caused the injury. For premises liability claims to be successful, the plaintiff must prove all four elements in the case. These elements include:

The Duty of Care

The first step in proving a premises liability claim is to show that the property owner had a duty of care to the injured person. Generally, property owners have a duty of care to visitors to keep the premises safe and free from any hazards that could cause injury. The owner or occupier of the property had a duty of care toward others on the property. For example, a property owner's duty is to remove or warn of hazards that could cause slips or trips, such as loose carpeting, broken railings, or slippery floors.

Breach of Duty

Next, you must prove the property owner breached their duty of care. You prove this element by showing the property owner was aware of the hazard or should have been aware of it and failed to take reasonable steps to fix or remove it. The owner or occupier breached this duty by failing to take reasonable steps to ensure safety. For instance, if the property owner fails to fix slippery flooring or an uneven stairwell, they may be liable for any injuries due to those conditions.


Another element you must prove is the breach of duty caused the injury. This element means that the plaintiff (the person filing the lawsuit) must show a direct link between the property owner's negligence and their injury. These injuries can include physical as well as emotional harm. An example of causation would be if someone gets injured by slipping on a wet floor, and the fall results in a broken bone. The plaintiff must show that the property owner's failure to clean up the spill caused the fall and resulting injury.


Damages refer to the recovery of money. A plaintiff must prove that they experienced financial and other losses due to the defendant's negligence. This compensation could include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The way you prove that you have these expenses is by producing documentation like bills, receipts, and financial reports. Finding the right financial professionals to help prove your claim can be tricky, which is another reason why hiring an experienced premises liability lawyer can be beneficial. They know exactly what documentation is needed and how to present it to the court to help prove your claim.

Conditions for Filing a Premises Liability Claim

Consider two key factors when filing a premises liability claim in Texas: type of hazard and status of the visitor. Depending on these factors, different standards for proving negligence apply. For instance, if the visitor was an invitee (i.e., someone invited onto the property), then they will likely have more success with their premises liability claim than if they were trespassing on the property.

Similarly, if a property owner doesn't adequately address an anticipated hazard, such as poor lighting leading to fall-related injuries, then proving negligence is easier. It is much harder to prove negligence with unexpected risks, such as sudden weather changes leading to ice forming on walkways outside buildings.

Compensation You Can Get in a Premises Liability Case

In Texas, a person can receive compensation for injuries sustained on someone else's property. Here are some of the damages that you can file suit to demand:

Compensatory Damages

The first type of damages available in premises liability cases is compensatory damages. These damages compensate injured individuals for medical bills, lost wages, or other out-of-pocket expenses related to the injury suffered from a premises liability accident. Compensatory damages are specifically limited only to compensating for documented financial loss.

Punitive Damages

Another type of damages available in premises liability cases is punitive damages. Punitive damages don’t get awarded in every case, but when they do, the amount can be significant. Punitive damages are a special kind of damage paid to punish wrongdoers who act with malice or complete disregard for other people's safety. Punitive damages are intended to serve as a deterrent against continued negligent behavior.

Communicate With Your Premises Liability Attorney

If you experienced a slip and fall injury on someone's property due to negligence or maliciousness, don't hesitate to contact a premises liability attorney today. At Rasansky Law offices, our team of liability lawyers has nearly 30 years of experience dealing with exactly these types of cases, so we can get the best outcome possible for your situation.

How Can Dallas Premises Liability Lawyers Help With My Claim?

Have you suffered an injury on someone else's property? You may be eligible to recover money from the owner of the premises, but where do you even begin? Premises liability lawyers can help you navigate the complex waters of filing a lawsuit. What may seem overwhelming and confusing to you is what we do every single day; we help people get their life back after a terrible accident. Here are some of the ways we can provide support during this trying time in your life:

Recover Damages

When you suffer an injury due to another's negligence on their property, Dallas premises liability lawyers can serve as a valuable resource in helping you recover money. They specialize in navigating complex regulations to protect your rights as they help seek justice for victims of negligent actions. They know exactly what kind of financial damages to check for to make sure you request every single loss or damage you experienced from the accident.

Handle the Claims Process

The right liability lawyer can provide invaluable support if you're seeking assistance filing a legal claim. They'll work hard to collect essential evidence and interview witnesses while handling negotiations with insurance companies or other parties involved.

Represent You in Court

We know how to present your case in the best possible light so that you receive the highest compensation. Additionally, they understand the legal nuances of filing a premises liability case, such as what type of evidence to gather and the kind of witness testimony that increases the chances of winning in court. Because these cases can be complex and require extensive knowledge of personal injury law, having an experienced premises liability attorney by your side makes all the difference in getting the justice you deserve.

What Should You Look For When Choosing Legal Representation?

When choosing a legal team to handle your premise liability claim, make sure they have experience handling similar cases and are familiar with the laws governing these types of cases. In addition, make sure they have good communication skills and are willing to discuss your case openly and honestly with you at every step of the process.

They must also have access to resources such as expert witnesses who can help strengthen your case through their testimony. Lastly, ensure the attorney has strong relationships with insurance companies so that negotiations go smoothly and quickly without any surprises.

Do your due diligence when choosing an attorney. Look into the lawyer's experience level, communication style, available resources, and relationships with insurance companies. You can request a free consultation to have our Dallas premises liability lawyers review your case.

What Is the Cost of Hiring a Premises Liability Attorney?

Rasansky Law Firm understands that when you consider taking legal action, you are already facing financial strain due to medical bills and lost wages associated with your injury. For this reason, we never ask our clients to pay attorney fees out of pocket.

Our Dallas premises liability lawyers accept all cases on contingency; if we don't win your case, you won't owe us anything. This way, victims can pursue their liability claims without worrying about expensive attorney fees or exhausting their often limited financial resources. We proudly take the financial risk instead to ensure justice is served for victims, no matter their budget.

Our Dallas premises liability lawyers have straight answers to difficult questions to help you make critical decisions, navigate the legal process, and help you get justice.

What is the distinction between premises liability and personal liability?

Premises liability is the legal responsibility and financial obligation assumed by a property owner for injuries incurred on their premises due to negligence. Generally, this obligation applies to public areas or open invitation locations, such as malls or businesses.

Personal liability, meanwhile, applies to an individual's potential negligence-related injuries arising from their conduct. For example, if a person drives while under the influence of alcohol, they may be held personally liable for damages caused by their actions.

Who can I sue for premises liability?

Property owners or managers can be held liable under the legal concept of premises liability. The liable party could be the owner, manager, tenant, business operator on site, or any other occupant overseeing the premises at the time of injury. A Dallas premises liability lawyer can help you determine what party or parties are responsible for your injury.

Find out if you have a case – for no cost!

If you were injured due to a premise liability issue in DFW, it's your right and your responsibility to seek justice and compensation. Please call us today at (214) 651-6100 for a free consultation with one of our highly qualified and experienced Dallas premises liability attorneys. Do not wait for the business or property owner to do the right thing. It's not in their best interest to treat you fairly, and they likely won't unless they are forced to through legal means. Call us now, and let's get started on your case today!

Speak With a Dallas Personal Injury Attorney For Free

The attorneys at Rasansky Law Firm are happy to discuss your potential case with you free of charge. If we can help with your claim, we'll do so at no out-of-pocket cost to you. Call us 24/7 at (214) 651-6100.


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2525 McKinnon Street #550 Dallas, Texas 75201


Note: The information that was utilized in this post was gathered from the use of secondary sources. This information used has not been confirmed or independently verified. If you locate any information that is not correct, please contact our firm as soon as possible so that we can make the appropriate corrections. If you find any information that is false, we will remove or correct the post immediately after it is brought to our attention.   

Disclaimer: As a valued member of the Dallas community, Rasansky Law Firm’s goal is to improve the safety of all residents in the great state of Texas. These posts should not be viewed as a solicitation for business and the information included herein should not be taken as medical or legal advice. The photos used in this post are not representative of the actual crash scene.

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