Dallas Armored Car Accident Lawyer

Injured in an armored car accident that wasn’t your fault? We get our clients the compensation they deserve! Call Rasansky Law Firm for a free consultation.

An armored car may not look that big, but they are very heavy. In fact, they often weigh tens of thousands of pounds. If you are unlucky enough to become involved in an accident with one, the chances are high that you will sustain serious injuries. Because of their design and weight, armored cars are extremely dangerous vehicles and require both skilled drivers and a great deal of maintenance to be operated safely.

Due to their weight, armored trucks are difficult to stop. Maintaining the brakes and tires of these vehicles is critical. Also, when an unqualified or improperly trained person drives one of these vehicles, they are more likely to lose control or break traffic laws that result in serious accidents. Unfortunately, these accidents often involve severe personal injuries or even death.

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident with an armored car, call us. We can answer all of your legal questions and help to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Liability in an Armored Car Accident

Garda Armored Truck
Have you suffered a serious injury in an armored car accident? We can help!
Armored trucks are typically owned and operated by big companies like Garda, Loomis, Dunbar, and Brinks. In addition to maintaining the safety of their vehicles, these companies are responsible for the negligent acts of the drivers they employ.

Companies can and should be held liable for accidents caused by improper or inadequate inspection and maintenance. For example, if a company fails to inspect and repair worn brakes which then causes a driver to have an accident, the company can be held liable.

Allowing unlicensed, unqualified, improperly trained, or suspended operators to drive these vehicles is reckless and dangerous. Companies have a duty to properly train their drivers, make sure they hold valid licenses, and ensure they follow all traffic laws. Companies can be held liable for accidents if they fail to do this.

Common Injuries from Armored Car Accidents

Often, the injuries from accidents with armored vehicles are quite severe. Common injuries suffered in an armored car accident include:

If you’ve been hurt in any accident, make sure you get proper medical care immediately and have all your symptoms addressed. Many of these injuries may be permanent or have long-term implications. It’s important to both get the necessary treatment and also have documented medical records directly after the accident, incase you do end up pursuing a claim.

Shocking Allegations of Untrained Drivers and Unsafe Equipment at Garda

A recently unsealed federal complaint suggests the drivers of many armored vehicles are poorly trained. Some armored truck companies even employ drivers with suspended licenses. In addition to these issues, many armored trucks on the road are improperly maintained.

Garda World is a Canadian company with approximately 63,000 employees and is one of the largest armored vehicle companies operating in the United States. Garda provides armored cars, security guards, and cash logistics services throughout the country. We recently learned some shocking allegations involving the company.

First, a federal court complaint alleges that in an internal audit of 100 Garda armored car drivers, a significant percentage did not have a valid license and/or had their licenses previously suspended. One driver had eight accidents yet was still driving for the company .The complaint also stated that Garda doesn’t comply with post-accident drug screens. Additionally, the complaint alleges the condition of Garda armored trucks was just as bad as their drivers. The trucks are allegedly not properly maintained and DOT safety rules are not followed.


Also recently, a driver in Mableton, Georgia said Garda’s “trucks are old, and breaking down is a safety risk.” Another driver confirmed by stating, “trucks are constantly breaking down.” And yet another told Glassdoor (a website where employees rate their employers): “[The trucks] would constantly fall apart and break down, trucks would be in minor wrecks and they would spend the money to fix them on something else, leaving them damaged.”

Though the allegations above are concerning Garda, we suspect that similar situations occur daily with other cash logistics companies.

What to Do if You Get Injured in a Dallas Armored Car Accident

Obviously, getting emergency treatment is your first priority. Once your injuries are stabilized, contact an armored car accident lawyer right away. One reason why is that armored cars often have specialized monitoring equipment, but the data from that equipment is not saved for long. These monitoring systems include sophisticated video cameras, GPS tracking, and a “black box” that monitors the speed and operation of the vehicle. Unfortunately, unless your lawyer acts quickly, you may never be able to access the video and GPS evidence.

When choosing your lawyer, make sure he/she understands the unique aspects of armored car cases and that they have both the time and resources to get you properly compensated for your injuries, property damages, lost wages, and other losses.

Headquartered in Texas, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of Texas residents and beyond. We have handled serious injury cases nationwide and our armored car personal injury lawyers understand the complexities involved in these types of cases. We have the experience and resources to hold the parties at fault for your injuries accountable for all damages that result from an accident.

After a serious accident, money is often tight. Getting the best legal representation shouldn’t mean you have to go into debt. When you call on our Dallas armored car accident attorneys, we will listen to the facts of your case and explain exactly what your options are, free of charge. If we end up working together, we will operate under a contingency fee arrangement, which means you will owe us nothing until and unless we win your case.

Have questions? Call us for a free case evaluation!

If you’ve been involved in a crash with an armored vehicle in the state of Texas, you need stellar legal representation to secure ample compensation for you to heal and rebuild your life. Call the Rasansky Law Firm today at (214) 617-1886 for a free consultation with one of our highly qualified and experienced Dallas personal injury attorneys. Alternatively, you can email us for free by filling in the contact form on this page. We look forward to helping you get the justice you deserve.

What Can Rasansky Law Firm Do to Help After an Armored Car Accident in Dallas, Texas?

A skilled Dallas armored car lawyer from the Rasansky Law Firm will use pertinent evidence to prove your personal injury claim so you're able to get the maximum compensation available for your injuries and losses. Recovering compensation can be difficult without the help of a well-seasoned personal injury lawyer.

After a serious motor vehicle accident, you may feel overwhelmed. Your attorney is a valuable advocate to have on your side while you deal with medical bills, physical pain, and rising stress levels. You may be too injured to immediately return to work, and you may be wondering if hiring an attorney is worth it. Here are some of the ways a Dallas personal injury attorney can make this a less stressful time for you and ensure you get the best possible outcome so you can move on with your life.

Investigate the accident

A skilled personal injury attorney in Texas will thoroughly investigate your accident. In fact, one of the most important parts of your case is the crash investigation. Your personal injury lawyer will gather a plethora of evidence including crash reports, photos, witness statements, and more.

Assessing the crash scene

Your lawyer will gather evidence, as previously stated, as well as work to prove liability in your case. This could involve examining the positioning of the vehicles when the crash was over, any skid or tire marks, and other existing physical evidence to figure out how the crash happened.

Collecting eye-witness accounts

Your attorney will speak with any witnesses who may have seen what happened. They will get their names and contact information and ask them to provide statements concerning your accident. The lawyer may then verify their statements by comparing them with other witness statements and your account of the crash.

Assessing damages

An attorney from our firm will then assess the damages that resulted from your accident. This includes medical care costs, damage to your vehicle/personal property, lost earnings, pain, suffering, and more. This information will be used to figure out how much compensation you may be entitled to.

Work with experts

Depending on how the crash happened, your personal injury lawyer will consult with medical experts, crash reconstruction specialists, and other professionals in order to help build your personal injury case.

Another way your attorney from Rasansky Law Firm can help you is by determining your future medical bills. After your accident, you may be attempting to recover compensation for your current medical costs. However, you may also qualify for coverage of the expenses related to the future medical care you will need. Unfortunately, the majority of serious car accident injuries require ongoing and long-term care. A knowledgeable lawyer will help you calculate your itemized expenses in order to determine your settlement amount. Your settlement figure may include:

  • Property damage
  • Lost earnings
  • Pain & suffering
  • Loss of life enjoyment
  • Future medical bills
  • Present medical bills
  • Embarrassment
  • Emotional turmoil

Possessing a detailed description of damages that qualify for compensation helps ensure you get compensated for everything you are owed.

Additional Ways Your Lawyer Can Help You Recover

Your armored car accident lawyer will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. Most people dread dealing with insurance companies after an accident. To save you the trouble, your lawyer will handle all communication for you. While the insurance company may have you believe that they hold your best interest at heart, they are only out to make a profit and will attempt to pay you as little as possible.

If you wish to receive full and fair financial compensation, having the help of an experienced personal injury attorney is essential. A well-seasoned personal injury attorney from the Rasansky Law Firm has decades of experience dealing with complicated personal injury lawsuits and large insurance companies. They will negotiate with the insurance company in order to come to a fair and beneficial settlement agreement.

One other way in which your armored car crash attorney may help you is by protecting you from debt collectors who may come calling after your wreck. Understandably, many crash victims may fall behind on paying their outstanding medical bills. However, no one should have to worry about costs related to urgent medical care essential for their survival. Regrettably, it is common for debt collectors to use unlawful and unjust practices such as scare tactics and threats. Your Dallas personal injury lawyer will safeguard you against these unfair practices as well as update collectors on the status of your claim.

More about Armored Car Crashes

Armored car accidents occur for a multitude of different reasons, including vehicle malfunctions, driver error, road/weather conditions, and the actions of other drivers.

Due to the often high price of the protected goods or cash being transported, car wrecks involving armored vehicles are usually thoroughly investigated by police and may involve legal proceedings and multiple insurance companies. This is why it is in your best interest to work with an experienced personal injury attorney if you or a loved one of yours has sustained serious or debilitating injuries in an armored auto collision.

Armored car wrecks are sometimes caused by drivers who act negligently. Companies who hire underqualified, incompetent, suspended, or otherwise negligent drivers to operate their armored cars cause numerous accidents that end in injuries and fatalities. Some examples of driver negligence displayed by armored car drivers may include:

Distracted driving

Drivers of armored vehicles may be distracted by their navigation systems, cell phones, and more, leading to collisions. Distracted driving causes more than 400,000 car wrecks per year in the United States. Additionally, more than 3,000 lives are cut short in distracted driving collisions per year.


Armored car drivers may travel at unsafe speeds which can greatly increase the risk of a collision. Speeding is a dangerous form of driver negligence, taking approximately 11,000 lives per year throughout the country. Drivers who travel at unsafe speeds have reduced reaction time and ability, resulting in tragic and fatal accidents.

Reckless driving

Drivers may display reckless behaviors while on the road such as weaving in and out of lanes, tailgating, failing to yield, etc. Reckless drivers contribute to around one-third of all deadly collisions in the United States, according to information provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


Armored vehicle drivers may work grueling hours, leading to overwhelming fatigue, which can dangerously impair their ability to concentrate on the road and increase the risk of a crash. Fatigued driving can result in falling asleep at the wheel, which is worse than driving drunk or speeding. Drivers who fall asleep at the wheel often lose their lives and/or end the lives of other people.

Do I need a Dallas personal injury lawyer for my armored car accident?

If you have been seriously hurt in an armored car accident and wish to file a personal injury lawsuit, it is vital to at least call for your free consultation so you can get our best advice on whether you need legal representation for your unique situation.

Should you choose to move forward with a personal injury claim, here are some ways a lawyer can help you:

Evaluate Your Case

A Dallas personal injury attorney from the Rasansky Law Firm will thoroughly investigate the details of your wreck, injuries, and the extent to which your damages have affected your life in order to determine the validity of your claim.

Communicate with Insurance Companies

When you file a personal injury lawsuit with the Rasansky Law Firm, we will negotiate with the involved insurance companies, as well as the armored car company's insurance company, in order to get you the compensation you deserve. If a fair settlement is unable to be reached, a lawyer from our firm will represent you in court and aggressively fight for your legal right toward compensation.

Maximize Your Compensation

A lawyer will help you recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other losses you may have incurred as a result of the wreck.

Overall, working with an experienced personal injury lawyer can help protect your legal rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve after sustaining injuries in a traffic accident with an armored car.

Choose The Rasansky Law Firm to Handle Your Personal Injury Case

When you work with a lawyer from our firm, we will help you get the monetary compensation you need to fully recover after any type of accident. Our job is to fight diligently for the money your family deserves after someone was wrongfully injured. When you need to file a personal injury claim, getting help from an extensively experienced attorney is in your best interest.

Our lawyers have been working to help those injured in car accidents for over 30 years. Helping injured accident victims get full and fair financial compensation has been our main goal and duty for decades, and we are proud of our refined legal skills and successful track record.

With the help of the Rasansky Law Firm in Dallas, thousands of people have been able to financially recover after being hurt by the negligent actions of another person or party. Our firm has recovered tens of millions of dollars for our clients and their family members in medical malpractice, personal injury, and wrongful death cases in Dallas and throughout the nation.

According to Lawdragon, a legal media company that provides free editorial features and online news, Jeff Rasansky is among the 500 best attorneys in the United States. He has been voted "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers in America and is listed as one of the top lawyers in the country according to Super Lawyers and Best Lawyers, which are rating services for outstanding lawyers.

What Damages Can I Get in My Armored Car Accident Case in Texas?

In a personal injury claim involving a car accident, you may be able to gather compensation for various damages depending on the details of the incident and the injuries you endured. These damages are usually put into two categories: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

Medical Expenses
Medical care expenses that stem from your wreck, including the ambulance ride, hospital stay, emergency room care, rehab, prescriptions, and any other medical care you may require in the future are all eligible to be compensated when you file a claim with a Dallas personal injury attorney. The average expenses related to medical care for a serious car crash injury are usually in the tens of thousands of dollars. Information provided by the National Safety Council shows that an average cost of a non-fatal yet disabling injury in a car accident is approximately $80,000. This includes other losses related to property damage, lost wages, and more.
Lost wages
Due to the nature and severity of your injuries, you may be unable to immediately return to work after your accident. Your financial stability and quality of life may be significantly impacted by this. If you are unable to return to work because your injuries are too severe, you may endure financial burdens and face problems paying bills, specifically those related to your accident. This can be especially problematic if you are the main money-maker in your family or if you have dependents who rely on your paychecks.
Long-term financial consequences
On top of the immediate impact of lost earnings, you may also incur long-term financial consequences that stem from your crash and injuries. If you are unable to return to work for a prolonged period of time, you may miss out on career advancement opportunities or you may even lose your job completely. This can have a long-term, negative impact on your overall financial situation.
Property damage
Damage to your vehicle or other personal property may be costly depending on the extent of the damage and the type of property. Some common costs that may stem from property damage in a car crash include:

  • Repair/replacement of your car
  • Towing/storage fees
  • The cost of a rental vehicle while your car is being repaired/replaced
  • Personal property damage to items inside the vehicle, such as personal belongings or electronics

It is important to document the damage as much as possible, including taking pictures and obtaining estimated repair costs, in order to support your claim.

Non-economic Damages

Pain & Suffering
Pain and suffering caused by your injuries, including physical pain, mental anguish, and psychological damage may detrimentally affect your life and ability to live it the way you want to. You have the right to be compensated for this.
Loss of enjoyment of life
This type of damage relates to the loss of your ability to enjoy your life and the experiences it offers due to your injuries. Loss of enjoyment of life may include:

  • Inability to participate in previously enjoyed hobbies and activities
  • Inability to complete daily tasks and activities, such as chores around the house, errands, or exercise
  • Loss of social interactions/relations due to the physical or emotional impact of the injuries
  • Anxiety/anguish due to the impact of the injuries on your quality of life

Loss of Consortium
Loss of consortium refers to the loss of a familial relationship. Loss of consortium may include a plethora of losses, such as:

  • Loss of intimacy
  • Loss of emotional support
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of ability to engage in household activities with spouse/partner
  • Loss of ability to have children

Punitive Damages

In some cases, punitive damages may also be awarded on top of economic and non-economic damages. Punitive damages are used to punish the responsible party for gross negligence/conduct and to hopefully deter the same behavior from happening again.

It is important to remember that the damages you are able to recover will greatly depend on the circumstances and facts of your case, and how personal injury law is handled in your state. A car crash attorney who is proficient in personal injury law from the Rasansky Law Firm can help you evaluate your case and figure out what damages you are able to recover.
Our Dallas, Texas Armored Car Accident Lawyers
In the past three decades, the reputable personal injury lawyers at the Rasansky Law Firm have successfully represented thousands of personal injury and wrongful death cases in the Dallas area. Though we mostly concentrate on personal injury accidents, which includes all types of auto accidents, our injury lawyers also handle other types of legal matters.

At Rasansky Law Firm, our team vows to treat you and your family members with compassion and consideration while we help you recover compensation for your injuries. You and your family will be treated fairly, with honesty, dignity, and respect. We will stop at nothing to hold the other driver accountable for their actions and to get you the justice and compensation you may be entitled to.

Our Dallas personal injury lawyers take pride in representing women, men, and children who have been hurt in many different types of personal injury cases. We have fully devoted our professional lives to helping crash victims who have been severely injured by someone else's negligence get the monetary compensation and justice they deserve.

You Don’t Pay Unless We Win

For your convenience, all of our cases are taken on contingency. This means that you do not have to pay upfront or out-of-pocket for lawyer fees. We know that you may be facing financial difficulties in the aftermath of your accident due to mounting medical bills and the costs related to medical treatment and vehicle repairs. Additionally, you may be severely injured and unable to return to work, which can result in wage loss and mental anguish.

Our personal injury attorneys in Dallas offer you a free consultation to determine whether you have a case. If you do, you will pay us nothing out of pocket throughout the process of litigating your case. We will provide all the resources necessary to prove your case.

When we win your case, our fee will be paid from the final settlement payout. In the unlikely event that we are unable to win your motor vehicle accident case, you won't owe us a dime.

Frequently Asked Personal Injury Questions in Dallas, Texas

Is there a time limit from the date of my accident in which I have to file a claim?

In the state of Texas, you have two years from the day your crash happened to successfully file a personal injury lawsuit. This is referred to as the statute of limitations.

What damages can I recover in a Texas personal injury case?

Damages may include medical expenses, missed work/lost earnings, pain, suffering, and other expenses related to your collision and the injuries that may have followed.

How much will it cost to hire an attorney?

Our firm offers a free consultation and charges no fees unless you win a verdict in court or receive a full and fair settlement. It will cost you nothing out of pocket.

How long will it take for my case to be resolved?

How long it takes for your case to reach a positive resolution depends on many different factors. The willingness of the other party to accept responsibility/negotiate and the complexity of the case are two of those factors

Speak With a Dallas Personal Injury Attorney For Free

The Dallas personal injury lawyers at Rasansky Law Firm want to help you seek justice and will meet with you for an initial consultation completely free of charge. If we are able to help you recover, we will do so at no upfront cost to you or your family members. Contact us 24/7 at (214) 617-1886.

Get A Free Consultation


2525 McKinnon Street #550 Dallas, Texas 75201


Note: The information that was utilized in this post was gathered from the use of secondary sources. This information used has not been confirmed or independently verified. If you locate any information that is not correct, please contact our firm as soon as possible so that we can make the appropriate corrections. If you find any information that is false, we will remove or correct the post immediately after it is brought to our attention.   

Disclaimer: As a valued member of the Dallas community, Rasansky Law Firm’s goal is to improve the safety of all residents in the great state of Texas. These posts should not be viewed as a solicitation for business and the information included herein should not be taken as medical or legal advice. The photos used in this post are not representative of the actual crash scene.

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Rasansky Law Firm

Over 30+ Years Of Personal Injury Experience

Top-Rated and Award-Winning Personal Injury Lawyers

Attorneys Available to Discuss Your Case Now

No Fee Unless You Win

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